My First Hexapod Design!


Hexapod is a mechanical robot that walks on six legs.

I finished the initial design and started constructing the mechanical parts. I will post the updates as I progress through the construction of my first hexapod. I provided some pictures to show how my hexapod will look like.

Right View:


Top View:

Left View:



  • Abir the Awesomesssttt!!! says:

    What is the angle of freedom for the six base motors? also how many the degrees of freedom you have for each leg?

    • admin says:

      Front and back base servo motors will have 90 deg…middle ones will have 60 deg…I am planning on adding 6 more motors to lift the legs from the ground…adding little more dynamics to the robot. These motors will have 90 deg of freedom…well I think 90 deg is not necessary…so I will adjust it when I get to that point…

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